by Nick Thompson | Apr 8, 2019
Video Interviewing a non expensive way to recruit with a positive ROI Video interviews is recruitment designed to assist recruitment teams solve their biggest recruitment challenges without being over budget. In fact, video interviewing brings recruitment teams a...
by Nick Thompson | Mar 27, 2019
Resumes There are heaps of companies blogging and pitching on how to create a resume. Some are working some are not and some depends on the position and current trends. A lot of experts talk about listing your achievements and how they came to be. That is all well and...
by Nick Thompson | Mar 21, 2019
Trending Interviewing Tools – Spotlight Video Interviews Job interviews have, for the most part, followed a similar structure over the past years. A recruiter reaches out to a candidate inviting them to schedule a phone interview. The candidate and recruiter...
by Nick Thompson | Jan 29, 2019
Prepare your video resume First of all you need to have a video resume. Not a boring selfie, not something that is going to take forever to do. You need a free software program that easy to use and show cases you. There is a product out there that does all of this...