Be Prepared for the future.

Your digital resume is polished and all ready to go. You’re all set to customize your resume as needed, highlighting skills illustrating why you’re the best candidate for the job, or the best fit for the company. But then…you’re asked to submit a resume in an entirely different format: on video. In the job marketplace, video resumes are becoming an increasingly popular format of choice.

So, what to do? To be sure, employers who request video resumes may do so because they’ve concluded that, for their purposes, it’s a great way to see and hear a job applicant up close, in their own environment. That may make sense for jobs in the video industry or other visual-oriented areas. But if you’ve never done a video resume, and wonder how to proceed, a bit of research may be in order, including a review of resume tips, and determining what works best for you.

Why Video Resumes Are on the Rise

Employers seeking video resumes may consider visual images of all applicants in the job candidate pool as another tool at their disposal to choose the best person for the position. In the employer’s view, a video resume may offer job candidates great latitude to present themselves in their best light, just as a traditional print or online resume does.

Execution is key. In an increasingly visual age, employers may view video resumes as an easy way to skim through a mountain of applicants without having to actually read. Hiring managers can watch, listen, learn, and make decisions based on what’s presented on a visual platform—in other words, a candidate’s “performance.”

Determining How and Whether to Make a Video Resume

First off, what is a video resume? Simply put, it’s a short video presentation created by a job candidate offering many of the same highlights that a traditional resume lays out: educational background, skills, experience, and any other information tailored to a specific job title or company.

If you’re creating a video resume, make sure you have your ducks in a row. That is, you don’t want to kill your prospects for getting hired by submitting a low-quality video. An out-of-focus image, poor sound quality, a disheveled appearance, or a sketchy-looking background could doom your chances of getting the job. If you’re compelled to produce a video resume for a job you really want, a few things to avoid include:

  • Off-topic subjects or other verbal content that doesn’t focus on the job or your qualifications
  • Poor production, including bad lighting and shaky camera work
  • Little or no eye contact or engagement with the camera
  • Excessive hand or body movement
  • Clothes, fast-food wrappers, or random or distracting items strewn across the background
  • Children, other family members, or pets wandering in and out of the room
  • Distracting noises in the background (or at least those within your control)

Pros and Cons of a Video Resume

Pros of Video Resumes

  1. Control. Candidates have a chance to answer all the questions preemptively. In other words, the candidate may feel as if they’re in control and not at the mercy of unexpected questions from the employer. That may mean a diminished risk of being blindsided by unforeseen or inopportune questions.
  2. Creativity. With a bit of foresight, job candidates can tailor their environment and their presentation to the specific job opening in creative ways that present them in their best light.
  3. Cutting-edge. Video resumes, from a job applicant’s view, may provide an opportunity to demonstrate that you’re on top of technology and fully plugged in to the latest ways to apply for a job—beyond emailing your particulars to a prospective employer.

Cons of Video Resumes

  1. Errors. In describing yourself and your abilities on video, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that you could over-state your qualifications or oversell what you have to offer. Video resumes are often subject to the same level of scrutiny as their print or digital counterparts.
  2. Excessive length. A primary rule for video resumes is to keep them short. Whether you make a tight presentation short while videotaping or edit afterwards, it’s a good idea to make sure your video resume is focused and on point before you upload it.

Article by Adrianne Bibby

FaceCruit video resumes lets job seekers create their own video presentation step by step. The advantages of Facecruit is that you can let the employer click on the content they want to watch. Also you can invite referees to do a video for you to strengthen your application.

Get your free video resume maker now.