Is your recruitment like the stone wheel?

The wheel has been used extensively and improved upon throughout history. From the early days when it was discovered that heavy, round objects could be moved more easily than square or uneven ones. From there it has been changed and improved to what we see today, rubberized wheels using compressed called tyres. So, is it time for a change of wheel?

Just like the wheel, businesses are changing and improving the ways of operating. One of these ways is the area of recruitment with the future of Asynchronous Video Recruiting slowly merging into Australia whilst in the USA and in Europe it has been a growing and successful tool for many years. You may ask what is Asynchronous Video? The simple answer. You create questions and send an email to a candidate; they answer the questions whilst being recorded and then you view their answers. The FaceCruit system has a lot more value adds, like time limits, option for candidate re-recording answers, sharing responses, creating client branding, candidate engagement and more. Most importantly, you can review candidates’ responses from anywhere and anytime.

It is not just about the recruiter/employer. The FaceCruit system lets the candidate do the interview in their own time. There is no need to travel, take time off work. They get the opportunity to the interview when they want (Before the cut of date), and have the opportunity to communicate their skills and attributes.

Transparent cost savings

There are a couple of great cost savings.

  1. Unlike the competition, FaceCruit has one of the most user-friendly platforms on the market. No monthly locked in contracts.
  2. Hidden cost savings. Increasing the efficiency in the hiring process to 80%. You work out the savings. Heaps. No scheduling appointments, no wasted no-show interviews, making a decision in seconds to go to the next step, no travelling costs and more.
  3. You can share the interviews with your stakeholders offering them a more comprehensive service therefore maintain customer loyalty.

If you would like to find out more, please email free demo or visit We are more than happy to offer a free trial and give you some minutes to try us out.